Richard A. (Rich) Weinstein and Steve Black wrote this exhibit and Black put it together. Web development was done by Kathy Chung of the Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services at the University of Texas at Austin.
Grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Texas Preservation Trust Fund (Texas Historical Commission) underwrote this exhibit. The College of Liberal Arts at the University of Texas at Austin provided additional support, as did the Department of Anthropology at Texas State University and Coastal Environments, Inc.
Artist Frank A. Weir painted the Guadalupe Bay village scene. The exhibit photographs and graphics come from various sources including the Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory Archives, Richard Weinstein, and Coastal Environments, Inc. The original Guadalupe Bay research was sponsored by the Galveston District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Rich Weinstein earned his B.A. (1972) in Sociology from Wilkes College, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and his M.A. (1974) in Anthropology from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. In February 1975, he joined the staff of Coastal Environments, Inc., (CEI) in Baton Rouge as the company’s first archaeologist. He is now Vice President and Senior Archaeologist. Over the years, he has worked on archaeological projects across the Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley, and is author or co-author of over a hundred reports on survey, testing, and data-recovery projects in Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas. Among these are reports on large-scale excavations at the Rock Levee site (a late Marksville through late Mississippi period village in west-central Mississippi), the Lake Providence Mounds (a terminal Coles Creek period mound center in northeast Louisiana), and the Lido Harbor site (a series of discrete shell middens in Galveston County, Texas).
Richard has also served as editor for the Newsletter of the Louisiana Archaeological Society from 1987 until 1997 and has authored chapters in edited books on Early Pottery (Saunders and Hays 2004, University of Alabama Press), Gulf Coast Archaeology (White 2005, University Press of Florida), and Plaquemine Archaeology (Rees and Livingood 2007, University of Alabama Press). His articles have appeared in American Antiquity, Southeastern Archaeology, Louisiana Archaeology, Mississippi Archaeology, and the Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society.
Steve Black is the co-editor of this website and an associate professor of anthropology at Texas State University. See About TBH.
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1983 Analysis of Discrete Habitation Units in the Trinity River Delta, Upper Texas Coast. Occasional Paper No. 2. Texas Archeological Research Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin.
1983 Indians of the Upper Texas Coast. Academic Press, New York.
Ensor, H. Blaine, editor
1998 Eagle's Ridge: A Stratified Archaic and Clear Lake Peirod Shell Midden, Wallisville Lake Project Area, Chambers County, Texas. Wallisville Lake Project Technical Series, Reports of Investigations 4, Geo-Marine, Inc.
Calhoun, Cecil A.
1964 A Polychrome Vessel from the Texas Coastal Bend. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 35:205-211.
Campbell, Thomas N.
1960 Archeology of the Central and Southern Sections of the Texas Coast. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 29:145-175.
1962 Origins of Pottery Types from the Coastal Bend Region of Texas. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 32:331-336.
Corbin, James E.
1974 A Model for Cultural Succession for the Coastal Bend Area of Texas. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 45:29-54.
Krieger, Alex D.
2002 We Came Naked and Barefoot: The Journey of Cabeza de Vaca across North America, edited by Margery Krieger. University of Texas Press, Austin.
Morton, R. A., and A. C. Donaldson
1978 Hydrology, Morphology, and Sedimentology of the Guadalupe Fluvial-Deltaic System. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 89:1030-1036
Morton, R. A., Michael D. Blum, and W. A. White
1978 Valley Fills of Incised Coastal Plain Rivers, Southeastern Texas. Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies 46:321-331.
Mounger, Maria A.
1959 Mission Espiritu Santo of Coastal Texas: An Example of Historic Site Archeology. Master's thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin.
Phillips, Phillip
1958 Application of the Wheat-Gifford-Wasley Taxonomy to Eastern Ceramics. American Antiquity 24(2):117-125.
1970 Archaeological Survey in the Lower Yazoo Basin, Mississippi, 1949-1955. Paper No. 60. Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Cambridge.
Potter, Wendall H.
1974 Ornamentation on the Pottery of the Texas Coastal Tribes. Bulletin of the Texas Archaeological and Paleontological Society 2:41-44.
Ricklis, Robert A.
1990 A Historical Cultural Ecology of the Karankawan Indians of the Central Texas Coast: A Case Study in the Roots of Adaptive Change. Ph.D. dissertation, The Department of Geography, The University of Texas at Austin.
1992 Aboriginal Karankawan Adaptation and Colonial Period Acculturation: Archeological and Ethnohistorical Evidence. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 63:211-243.
1996 The Karankawa Indians of the Texas Coast: An Ecological Study of Cultural Tradition and Change. University of Texas Press, Austin.
2000 Archeological Investigations at the Spanish Colonial Missions of Espíritu Santo (41GD1) and Nuestra Señora del Rosario (41GD2), Goliad County, Texas. Coastal Archeological Studies, Inc., Corpus Christi.
2004 Prehistoric Occupation of the Central and Lower Texas Coast. In: The Prehistory of Texas, edited by Timothy K. Perttula, pp. 155-204. Texas A&M University Press, College Station.
Walker, Karen J.
1992 Bone Artifacts from Josslyn Island, Buck Key Shell Midden, and Cash Mound: A Preliminary Assessment for the Caloosahatchie Area. In: Culture and Environment in the Domain of the Calusa, edited by W. H. Marquardt, pp. 229-246. Monograph No. 1. Institute of Archaeology and Paleoenvironmental Studies, University of Florida, Gainsville.
Weinstein, Richard A.
1992 Archaeology and Paleogeography of the Lower Guadalupe River/San Antonio Bay Region: Cultural Resources Investigations Along the Channel to Victoria, Calhoun and Victoria Counties, Texas. Coastal Environments, Inc. Submitted to Galveston District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
1994 Archaeological Investigations Along the Lower Lavaca River, Jackson County, Texas: The Channel to Red Bluff Project. Coastal Environments, Inc. Submitted to Galveston District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Weinstein, Richard A., editor
2002 Archaeological Investigations at the Guadalupe Bay site (41 CL 2): Late Archaic through Historic Occupation along the the Channel to Victoria, Calhoun County, Texas. 2 Volumes. Coastal Environments, Inc. Prepared for Galveston District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Weinstein, Richard A. and David B. Kelley
1991 Data-Recovery Plan for the Guadalupe Bay Site (41 CL 2), Channel to Victoria, Calhoun County, Texas. Coastal Environments, Inc. Submitted to Galveston District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
The Guadalupe Bay archeological team near the end of the 1992 excavations. Front row, left to right: William (Bill) Birmingham, Sylvia Timmons Duay, Jan Delgehausen, Richard A. Weinstein, Ed Vogt, Jr. Middle row, left to right: L. G. (Sonny) Timme, Hilda Covarrubias, E. H. (Smitty) Schmiedlin, Donita G. Burton. Back row, left to right: Cecil Calhoun, Lisa Generali, Stephanie L. Perrault, Shelby A. Duay, Jr., Nancy Beaman, Robert E. (Bob) Baker. |
Richard Weinstein points out the location of one of the 1992 excavation units during a 2008 tour of the overgrown remnant of the Guadalupe Bay site. Photo by Steve Black.  |
Cover of the 2002 two-volume final report on the Guadalupe Bay site, edited by Richard Weinstein. |