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Credits and Sources

This exhibit is based on a report of the Waco Lake investigations by Gemma Mehalchick and Karl Kibler of Prewitt and Associates, Inc., an Austin-based firm that provides archeological and historical consulting services to federal and state agencies, local governments, private industry, and individuals. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District sponsored the archeological investigations at Waco Lake. Corps archeologist Dr. Jay Newman served as the Corps of Engineers technical representative and was instrumental in managing and procuring funds for the project. Along with Corps archeologist Dan McGregor, Dr. Newman oversaw the fieldwork through on-site visits and consultation and reviewed the draft report. Other Corps of Engineers personnel, including former lake manager Kathy Gately and park ranger Bill Key at the Lake Waco office, also played key roles in overseeing the successful completion of the archeological investigations. This exhibit is a public-education component of those investigations.

TBH editor Susan Dial created the exhibit, and David Choi  and Kathy Chung of the University of Texas at Austin Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services developed the exhibit and interactive features. Photographs used in the exhibit, unless otherwise specified, were taken by Prewitt and Associates photographers.  Maps and drawings were done by Brian Wootan and Sandy Hannum.  The scene of the Native American campsite used in the section, What Was It Like?, was painted by archeologist and artist Frank A. Weir.

 Several archeologists at Prewitt and Associates, Inc. were responsible for managing and directing the Waco Lake investigations. Gemma Mehalchick served as Project Archeologist for the data recovery excavations at the Baylor, Britton, McMillan, and Higginbotham sites. Mehalchick, who has participated in archeological projects throughout Texas, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, Hawaii, and Egypt, holds a BA in Anthropology from the Pennsylvania State University.

Karl W. Kibler served as Co-Principal Investigator (along with Ross C. Fields) and Project Geomorphologist for the project. His interests in archeology include hunter-gatherer behavior, geoarcheology and paleoenvironments, and Paleoindian and Archaic cultures of Texas and the Southern Plains.  He holds an MA degree in Anthropology from the University of Texas at Austin, and has worked for cultural resource management firms and government agencies in Ohio, West Virginia, New York, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Texas, including the last 18 years with Prewitt and Associates, Inc.

Ross Fields served as co-principal investigator for the Waco Lake data recovery project. Fields is President of Prewitt and Associates, Inc. He holds BA and MA degrees in Anthropology from the University of Texas at Austin. Before joining Prewitt and Associates as a Staff Archeologist in 1981, he honed his archeological skills on a variety of projects in east Texas, northeastern Oklahoma, southeastern Alaska, and the Four Corners region of the Southwest. Although he has worked on a variety of projects throughout Texas, his strongest research interests lie in east Texas.

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U.S. Corps of Engineers Waco Lake website
Information on natural resources and recreational opportunities at the park.

Friends of Plants for a Future
A wealth of data on rare and unusual plants, particularly those which have edible, medicinal or other uses, available from this online center. See particularly, American Groundnut.

Learning from Cabeza de Vaca: Revelations about Hunter-Gatherer Foodways at the Dawn of Written History in Texas This Texas Beyond History web exhibit by archeologist Alston Thoms draws on the 16th-century accounts of explorer Cabeza de Vaca and his life among the native peoples of south Texas to provide a wealth of information about plant foods and native cooking technologies.

Gemma Mehalchick
Gemma Mehalchick
Karl Kibler
Karl Kibler
Ross Fields
Ross Fields
Report of the Waco Lake investigations.
Report of the Waco Lake investigations.