On this page:
Much of the content on Texas Beyond History is created by scholars, experts, authors, and artists from dozens of organizations across Texas and beyond. Most of this content is donated. The organizational affilations given are those at the time of the content contribution.
Archeology and Anthropology
Dr. Lawrence Aten (consulting archeologist, author)
Dr. George Avery (Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches)
Dr. Lee Bement (Oklahoma Archeological Survey, University of Oklahoma)
Jay Blaine (consulting expert on French trade goods and weapons)
Marie Blake (consulting historical archeologist)
Mindy Bonine (consulting archeologist)
Amy Borgens (Texas Historical Commission)
Dr. Carolyn Boyd (Shumla Archaeological Research and Education Center)
Doug Boyd (Prewitt and Associates, Inc., and Cox|McLain Environmental Consulting, Inc., Austin)
Corey Broehm (independent archeologist, Austin)
Dr. Kenneth Brown (TARL, UT-Austin)
Dr. James Bruseth (Texas Historical Commission)
Steve Carpenter (SWCA Environmental Consultants, Inc., Austin)
Andy Cloud (Center for Big Bend Studies, Sul Ross State University)
Dr. Michael B. Collins (TARL, UT-Austin)
Elizabeth Cooper (graduate student in anthropology, Texas Tech)
Dr. Darrell Creel (TARL, UT-Austin)
Brett Cruse (Texas Historical Commission)
Amy E. Dase (Cox|McLain Environmental Consulting, Inc.)
Dr. Glenna Dean (New Mexico state archeologist)
Dr. John Dockall (Prewitt and Associates, Inc., Austin)
Jeffery Durst (Texas Historical Commision)
Dr. Ann M. Early (Arkansas state archeologist; Arkansas Archeological Survey)
Rachel Feit (Hicks and Company, Austin)
Joan Few (professor, University of Houston, Clear Lake)
Ross C. Fields (Prewitt and Associates, Inc., and Cox|McLain Environmental Consulting, Inc., Austin)
Dr. Maria Franklin (professor, UT-Austin)
Eloise Gadus (Prewitt and Associates, Inc., Austin)
Molly Gardner (Texas Historical Commission)
Jeff Girard (Northwestern State University, Natchitoches, Louisiana)
Glenn T. Goode (consulting archeologist, Austin)
Dr. Pete Gregory (Northwestern State University, Natchitoches, Louisiana)
Dr. Grant Hall (professor, Texas Tech University)
Dr. Donny Hamilton (professor, Texas A&M University; Conservation Research Laboratory)
Dr. Robert Hard (professor, UT-San Antonio)
Dr. Thomas R. Hester (professor emeritus, anthropology, UT-Austin)
Dr. David Hill (consulting archeologist, New Mexico)
Kay Hindes (City of San Antonio)
Chuck Hixson (Lower Colorado River Authority; Llano Uplift Archeological Society)
Margaret Howard (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department)
Steve Hoyt (Texas State marine archeologist, THC)
Dr. David Hughes (professor, Wichita State University, Kansas)
Johanna Hunziker (Center for Archaeological Research, UTSA)
Jeff Indeck (Panhandle Plains Historical Museum)
Betty Inman (Archeological and Environmental Consultants, Austin)
John Ippolito(USDA Forest Service, Lufkin)
Dr. Ed Jelks (professor emeritus, Illinois State University)
Karl Kibler (Prewitt and Associates, Inc., Austin)
Dr. Nancy Kenmotsu (consulting archeologist, Washington)
Joe Labadie (Amistad National Recreation Area, National Park Service)
Dr. Christopher Lintz (consulting archeologist, Austin)
Robert J. Mallouf (Center for Big Bend Studies, Sul Ross State University)
Dr. Raymond Mauldin (Center for Archaeological Research, UTSA)
Samuel McCulloch (consulting archeologist, Austin)
Pat Mercado-Allinger (Texas state archeologist, THC)
Kevin Miller (SWCA Environmental Consultants, Inc., Austin)
Myles Miller (Geo-Marine, Inc., Austin/El Paso)
Aaron Norment (Prewitt and Associates, Inc., Austin)
Ann Ohl (Center for Big Bend Studies, Sul Ross State University)
Tom O'Laughlin (Albuquerque Museum, New Mexico)
Victoria "Tori" Pagano (Terracon Consultants)
Mark Parsons (Texas Historical Commission)
Dr. Timothy Perttula (Archeological & Environmental Consultants, LLC, Austin)
Dr. Jennifer Piehl (Center for Big Bend Studies, Sul Ross State University)
Johnney Pollan (Texas state archeological steward, Brazoria County)
Dan Potter (Texas Historical Commission)
Elton Prewitt (TARL, UT-Austin)
Mike Quigg (TRC Mariah Associates, Austin)
Penelope A. Ray (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department)
Dr. Robert Ricklis (Coastal Environments, Inc., Corpus Christi)
Tim Roberts (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department)
Vicky Roberts (Terracon Consultants, Texas State University)
Dr. George Sabo III (Arkansas Archeological Survey)
Dr. Frank Schambach (Arkansas Archeological Survey)
May Schmidt (TARL, UT-Austin)
John Seebach (Center for Big Bend Studies, Sul Ross State University)
Dr. Harry Shafer (professor emeritus, Texas A&M University)
Rolla Shaller (Panhandle Plains Historical Museum, Texas state archeological steward)
Dr. D. Gentry Steele (professor emeritus, Texas A&M University)
Dr. Dee Ann Story (professor emeritus, UT-Austin)
Joy Tatem (AR Consultants, Inc.)
Dr. Matthew Taylor (physical anthropologist, Panhandle Plains Historical Museum)
Dr. Alston Thoms (professor, Texas A&M University)
Dr. Steve Tomka (Center for Archaeological Research, UTSA)
Dr. Solveig Turpin (UT-Austin)
Curtis Tunnell (Texas Historical Commission)
William J. Wagner (doctoral student in anthropology, UT-Austin
Dr. Tamra Walter (professor, Texas Tech University)
Dr. Richard Weinstein (Coastal Environments, Inc., Corpus Christi)
Jose Zapata (Casa Navarro State Historic Site, San Antonio)
Natural Sciences
Dr. Vaughn Bryant, Jr. (professor and director, Texas A&M Palynology Laboratory)
Dr. Phil Dering (archeobotanist, Galveston)
Glen Evans (geologist; former director Texas Memorial Museum)
Dr. Ernest Lundelius (paleontologist, former director, Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, UT-Austin)
Gene Mear (independent geologist, Austin)
Dr. Raymond Skiles (wildlife biologist, Big Bend National Park, NPS)
Dr. Melissa Winans (vertebrate paleontologist, UT-Austin)
Dr. Mary Black (former 7th-grade teacher, O'Henry Middle School, educational consultant, Austin)
Mary Janecek-Friedman (4th-grade teacher, Cypress Elementary School, Leander ISD)
Gary Kolenbrander (6th-grade teacher)
Jennifer Kruger (educational consultant, former public schoolteacher, Austin)
Laine Leibeck (4th-grade teacher, Highland Park Elementary School, Austin)
Sharon Menegaz (teacher, Rosehill Christian School, Tomball)
Lucy Camarillo-May (4th-grade teacher, Cowan Elementary School, Austin)
Lisa Waller Rogers (educational consultant, former public schoolteacher, Austin)
Carol Schlenk (educational consultant, former public schoolteacher, Volente)
Rand Scheutzeberg (7th-grade teacher, Leander Middle School, Leander ISD
Sarah Steger (7th-grade teacher, Henry Middle School, Leander ISD)
Andy Stewart (1st-5th-grade teacher)
Jason Terry (7th-grade teacher, Running Brushy Middle School, Leander ISD)
History and Ethnohistory
Dr. Felix Almarez (professor, University of Texas, San Antonio)
Cecile Carter (author, Caddo Indians, Where We Come From)
Dr. Ty Cashion (professor, Sam Houston State University)
Steve Dial (independent writer, researcher, Austin)
Tom Fort (Museum of South Texas History, Edinburg)
Karen Fort (independent author, historian)
Dr. Maria Franklin (professor, University of Texas, Austin)
Dr. Francis Galán (historian, college instructor, San Antonio)
Dr. Nancy Kenmotsu (consulting archeologist, Washington)
Nedra Lee (University of Texas, Austin)
Terri Myers (independent historian, Preservation Central, Austin)
JoAnn Pospisil (archivist, Baylor College of Medicine Archives)
Dr. Mariah Wade (professor, UT-Austin)
Robert S. Weddle (former independent author, historian)
Dr. Robert Wooster (professor, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi)
John Erickson (author, Hank the Cowdog series)
Lisa Waller Rogers (author, The Texas Sampler, Lone Star Journals, Remember the Alamo)
Art and Media
Dr. John Abbott (photographer, biologist, UT-Austin)
Ellen Atha (illustrator, Austin)
Milton Bell (photographer, TARL)
Bill Birmingham (avocational archeologist, steward, Victoria)
Amanda Castañeda (archeologist)
Jose Cisneros (artist, El Paso)
Andy Cloud (photographer, Alpine)
Nola Davis (mural artist, Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept.)
Daniel Garza (Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services, University of Texas, Austin)
Sandra Hannum (Prewitt and Associates, Inc., Austin)
Pamela J. Headrick (illustrator, archeologist)
Kathy Holberg (illustrator, graphics design artist; schoolteacher, Bastrop ISD)
Jack Johnson (artist, archeologist, Amistad National Recreational Area, NPS)
Lawrence T. Jones III (rare photograph collector, Texas historian)
Charles Koenig (archeologist)
Alvin Lynn (potter, state archeological steward)
Peggy Maceo (artist, illustrator, Austin)
Carol Macaulay (graphics design, anthropology lecturer, Baylor University)
Richard McReynolds (illustrator, San Antonio)
Jennifer McWilliams (Prewitt and Associates, Inc., Austin)
Mark Mitchell (artist, illustrator, Austin)
Sharon Mitchell (photographer, anthropologist)
Bruce Moses (graphics, archeologist, UTSA)
George Nelson (artist, author)
Roland Pantermuehl (graphic artist, THC)
Reeda Peel (artist, avocational archeologist)
Jerod Roberts (photographer, archeologist)
Dr. Raymond Skiles (photographer, Big Bend National Park, NPS)
Christy Stallop (children's book illustrator, Austin)
Charles Shaw (artist, illustrator)
Dr. Frank Weir (artist, archeologist)
Dr. Samuel M. Wilson (artist, illustrator, archeologist, UT Austin)
Brian Wootan (Prewitt and Associates, Inc., Austin)