Credits and Sources
The Gilbert exhibit was written by Jay Blaine, Ed Jelks, and Steve Black. Jay Blaine and Paul Lorrain provided photographs; other images came from the TARL archives. Ed Jelks, Paul Lorrain, and Jay Blaine identified many of the individuals in the photos.
Short entry on the Gilbert site in The Handbook of Texas Online
Short entry on Kichai Indians in The Handbook of Texas Online
Entry on Wichita Indians in The Handbook of Texas Online
Short entry on French trade and colonization of Texas in The Handbook of Texas Online
Article on Wichita written for kids with informative maps.
On the Tunica Trail, an online booklet by archeologist Jeffery
Brain on Tunica Treasure and ethnohistory of the Tunica, who were an important
part of the French trade network.
Excellent written sources are available for the Gilbert site, starting with the original report:
Jelks, Edward B., ed.
1967 The Gilbert Site: A Norteno Focus Site in Northeastern Texas. Bulletin
of the Texas Archeological Society 37.
[Results of 1962 excavation are reported in 10 articles authored by 31
Later finds and site interpretations are presented in two articles by Jay Blaine, both of which can be downloaded as PDF documents, courtesy of the Dallas Archeological Society and the Texas Archeological Society, respectively.
Blaine, Jay C.
1988 Trade Hatchets from the Gilbert Site. The Record, Fiftieth Anniversary
Edition 42(3):111-117, Dallas Archeological Society. Blaine 1988
1992 A Summary and Discussion of Additional Findings at
the Gilbert Site, an18th-Century Norteno Occupation in Rains County, Texas.
Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 63:175-196. Blaine 1992
Additional Gilbert-Related Sources:
Harris, R.K. and Inus Marie Harris
1962 Another Marker on the Trail of the Norteno: A Preliminary Report
on the Gilbert Site. The Record 17(1):2-9, Dallas Archeological
Bell, Robert E., Edward B. Jelks, and William W. Newcomb
1967 A Pilot Study of Wichita Indian Archeology and Ethnohistory.
Southern Methodist University, Dallas.
Davison, Claire C. and R.K. Harris
1974 Chemical Profile of Glass Trade Beads from Archeological Sites in
Texas and Oklahoma. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society