The Cairn Burials exhibit builds on decades of research by early archeological investigators Cyrus Ray, Edward Sayles, Joe Ben Wheat, Robert Forrester and others, as well as recently compiled information from other sources. The exhibit was written by Susan Dial in collaboration with Darrell Creel, drawing from unpublished records in files of the Texas Archeological Research Laboratory, numerous articles in early bulletins of the Texas Archeological Society, and more recent archeological publications, as listed below.
Heather Smith executed the web programming and created graphics and image montages for the exhibit. Jonathan Jarvis assisted with site identifications for the base map used in the Explore the Sites section, and Laura Nightengale photographed numerous artifacts from the E. B. Sayles collections at TARL. Other contributors include Larry Riemenschneider, director of the Concho Valley Archeological Society, who provided images and information for site 41CN94. Douglas Boyd of Prewitt and Associates, Inc., and Steve Black, Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Texas State University, served as reviewers.
Work on the Cairn Burial exhibit was supported by donations from The Mitchell Family Foundation, the Council of Texas Archeologists, the Texas Archeological Society, Friends of TARL, and individual members of these organizations.
Print Sources
Arnn, John Wesley, III
2012 Land of the Tejas: Native American Identity and Interaction in Texas, A.D. 1300 to 1700. University of Texas Press.
Boyd, Douglas
1997 Chapter 10: Late Prehistoric I Period, A.D. 500 to 1100/1200. In Caprock Canyonlands Archeology: A Synthesis of the Late Prehistory and History of Lake Alan Henry and the Texas Panhandle-Plains, Vol. II by Douglas K. Boyd, pp.271-333. Reports of Investigations No. 10, Prewitt and Associates, Inc.
2004 Chapter 10: The Palo Duro Complex. In The Prehistory of Texas edited by Timothy K. Perttula, pp. 296-330. Texas A&M University Press, College Station.
Boyd, Douglas K., Jay Peck, Steve A. Tomka, Karl W. Kibler, and Martha Doty Freeman
1994 Data Recovery at Lake Alan Henry (Justiceburg Reservoir), Garza and Kent Counties, Texas: Phase III, Season 3. Reports of Investigations No. 93. Prewit and Associates, Inc. Austin.
Cloud, William A.
2002 Rough Run Burial: A Semi-Subterranean Cairn Burial from Brewster County, Texas. Journal for Big Bend Studies 14: 33-84.
Collins, Michael B. and Peggy Caddell
1984 A Prehistoric Burial at Lake Spence: Preliminary Findings. Transactions of the 19th Regional Archeological Symposium for Southeastern New Mexico and Western Texas: 99-106
Creel, Darrell
1990 Excavations at 41TG91, Tom Green County, Texas. Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation Publications in Archaeology Report 38, Austin.
Decker, Susan, Stephen L. Black, and Thomas Gustavson
2000 The Woodrow Heard Site, 41UV88: A Holocene Terrace Site in the Western Balcones Canyonlands of Southwestern Texas.
Studies in Archeology 13, Texas Archeological research Laboratory, The University of Texas at Austin.
Forrester, Robert E.
1951 A Series of Eighteen Indian Skeletons Excavated in Shackleford County, Texas. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological and Paleontological Society 22:132-143.
1987 The Moran Point from North-Central Texas. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Anthropological Society 36: 131-136.
Godwin, Molly Ficklen
1981 Appendix A: A Concho River Cairn Burial. In A Cultural Resource Inventory of the Proposed Stacy Reservoir, Concho, Coleman, and Runnels Counties, Texas. Volume III, Appendices, pp. A1-A24. Espey, Huston & Associates, Austin.
Harris, R. K. and Inus Marie Harris
1968 Cyrus N. Ray: Bibliography and Contributions to Texas Archeology. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological and Paleontological Society 38: 130-134.
Hooton, Dr. Ernest A.
1933 Notes on Five Texas Crania. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological and Paleontological Society 5: 25-38.
Huckell, Bruce B., Darrell C. Creel, and G. Michael Jacobs
1997 E. B. "Ted" Sayles, Pioneer Southwestern Archaeologist. Kiva 63(1): 69-95.
Hrdlicka, Alex
1938 Skeletal Remains from Northern Texas. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological and Paleontological Society 10: 169-192.
Jackson, A. T.
1941 Pendants and their Uses. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological and Paleontological Society 13:12.
Keeley, Lawrence
1997 War Before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage. Oxford University Press, New York.
Lintz, Christopher and Patrick O’Neill
1993 The Assessment of Rock Cairns for Human Burials. In Cultural Resource Investigations in the O.H. Ivie Reservoir, Concho, Coleman, and Runnels Counties, Texas, Volume II: Test Excavations at Prehistoric Sites and Assessment of Rock Cairn Features by Christopher Lintz, Abby C. Treece, Fred M. Oglesby, Karl Kibler, Patrick O’Neill, W. Nicholas Trierweiler, Charles Frederick, J. Michael Quigg, and A. J. Taylor, pp. 633-662. Mariah Associates, Inc., Austin.
Mallouf, Robert J.
1987 Las Haciendas: A Cairn Burial Assemblage from Northeastern Chihuahua, Mexico. Office of the State Archeologist Report 35, Texas Historical Commission, Austin.
1989 Clovis Quarry Workshop in the Callahan Divide: The Yellow Hawk Site, Taylor County, Texas. Plains Anthropologist:34:81-103.
Meroney, W. P.
1936 A Mass Burial near Waco. Bulletin of the Central Texas Archeology Society 2: 59-60.
Darrell Creel and Wayne Chesser inspect a cairn site during archeological survey prior to construction of the O.H. Ivie Reservoir. TARL Archives. |
Volume One of the Bulletin of the Texas Archaeological and Paleontological Society, 1929. Note articles by Cyrus Ray and E. B. Sayles.  |
Cyrus N. Ray. Photo courtesy of Bill Wright. |
E. B. Sayles. Photo courtesy Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona. |