Rock Art Styles

Former director of the Texas Memorial Museum Dr. W. W. Newcomb divided Lower Pecos rock art into four different styles:

These styles are useful for organization and comparison and are still in use today, but researchers continue to make finer distinctions. Marvin Rowe and his students at Texas A&M University have developed techniques of getting direct radiocarbon dates from tiny fragments of the actual paint from rock art panels. This work will eventually lead to a much better understanding of how rock art styles evolved through time.

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Graphic illustrating rock art style sequence and chronology
This graphic shows the approximate sequence of Lower Pecos rock art through time. Layout by Solveig Turpin, illustration by David Robinson.

Example of Historical style

Example of Pecos Rock Art style
Pecos River
Example of Red Linear style
Red Linear
Example of Red Monochrome style
Red Monochrome