Profile of 35-foot wall, looking north, Unit 35, showing limestone fragments in Stratum 7. The 5-foot-long measure stick rests at a depth of 198 inches. Located largely outside the drip line of the shelter, the stratum is made up of talus deposits and possibly flood materials. Based on archeological evidence, it appears to be a continuation of Stratum 5 , although it is different in color and texture. Photo by Albert Redder. |
Conjoined pieces of quartzite cobble, the top half of which was found in Stratum 7, the bottom in Stratum 5E. Photo by Susan Dial. |
Large leaf-shaped biface, or knife, found near the bone bed at a depth of 188 inches below datum. Photo by Albert Redder. |
Stratum 7: Rocky Red
Nearly four feet in thickness, this stratum consists of reddish brown sandy clay, containing many angular fragments of limestone. Cultural materials are scattered throughout, including three San Patrice and two unclassified, expanding-stemmed dart points; a bison bone bed and a fire hearth with a radiocarbon date of ca. 10,600 years B.P. was uncovered at the lowest levels.
Extending upward from the yellowish clay layer near the bottom of the shelter to the red-white spotted Sub-Stratum 8D, Stratum 7 is positioned toward the front of the cave deposit, where the interface is uneven and difficult to discern. A portion of this stratum lies outside the overhang. Horizontal fingers of cave deposit occasionally extend into this stratum, but the deposits outside the drip line are very different in texture and appearance.
For the excavators, this stratum has been somewhat of an enigma. Redder noted: "At first we wondered if this was the redeposition of another archeological deposit. Then a broken quartzite stone was found, half in the cave deposit and half in this stratum. San Patrice points ("Brazos Fishtails") also were found in this stratum near the 5-foot north-south line. With these findings, we then decided Stratum 7 may be contemporary with the cave deposit and may represent a slow build up."
Roughly 5 feet west of the baseline, two small, Archaic-looking, expanding-stem dart points were found in a single excavation unit, at approximately the same depth at which the San Patrice points were recovered nearby. One of the expanding stemmed points was found in situ; the other was found in two pieces, one in the screen, the other in the wall.
Redder wrote at the time, “I could discover no reason for an Archaic-looking point being at this depth. Clearly a long hard look must be taken at the remainder of this stratum.”
To some, these points resemble certain Late Paleoindian/Early Archaic points. Archeologist Michael Collins has suggested (based on looking at a photo) that one may be related to type Big Sandy, the other a resharpened Wilson point. The two points also bear similarities to San Patrice variants at sites in the midwest, such as Big Eddy.
Deeply buried at the base of Stratum 7 in Horn Shelter was an extensive concentration of burned and unburned animal bone, including bison, deer-sized animal, small mammals, and fish. A few chipped-stone tools, chert flakes, red ocher, and charcoal fragments were scattered among these, along areas of burned earth. Based on size and robusticity, the bison was Bison antiquus. The bones of this animal were not articulated, nor were all elements present. Portions of the bison bone were jacketed in plaster for removal. |
San Patrice points recovered from Stratum 7. Expand to see additional specimen. Photo by Albert Redder. |
Shallow, basin-shaped hearth (Feature 30-4) uncovered near the base of Stratum 7 at its juncture with Stratum 3. A composite charcoal sample from the feature was radiocarbon dated to 10,600+/- 180 years B.P. As was the case with other Paleoindian hearths at Horn Shelter, the fire was built directly on the ground, with no rock. Photo by Albert Redder. |
Plan drawing of hearth (Feature 30-4), shown in photo above. Note the “drag-out” area of ash and debris, where cooked food or other materials may have been pulled away from the hearth. Drawing by Albert Redder. Enlarge to see detail. |
Unclassified expanding-stem projectile points from Stratum 7, similar to some San Patrice variants from other sites. Note serration and rersharpening of blade in right specimen. |