Ceramic pipe fragments and other tobacco-related artifacts found at the Hendrick and Ware plantations. (a) Nearly complete decorated pipe with shank intact (both side views); (b) undecorated tall bowl fragment; (c) pipe shank; (d) complete snuff bottle; (e) nearly complete effigy pipe (front and side views); (f) pipe with decorated socket and bowl; (g) pipe with decorated complete shank and socket; (h) undecorated pipe with mostly complete bowl; (i) pipe with decorated nearly complete shank and socket; (j) shank of possible long-stem pipe (top and side views); (k) pipe bowl fragment decorated with raised lines and dots; (l) pipe bowl fragment decorated with raised lines and crossing diagonal lines; (m) pipe bowl fragment decorated with raised lines and horizontal chevron; (n) pipe bowl fragment depicting detailed beaded head; (o) pipe bowl fragment with face and mustache; (p) black-glazed pipe bowl fragment depicting hair; (q) round kaolin pipe stem fragment with intact mouthpiece end; (r) oval kaolin pipe stem fragment (side and end views).
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